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Our first Youth Research Dialogue in 2022

Inclusion & Diversity – who and what is missing?

Our thematic online series of evidence-based youth research findings continued on 22 February 2022 (new year – new episodes – new look 🙂 )

The first Youth Research Dialogue in 2022 dealt with the topic of inclusion and the youth field and the leading questions of who, why and what is missing when it comes to the participation of young people with fewer opportunities. We took a look at the European Youth Programmes as well as the wider context of the European youth field. This dialogue also aimed to outline a future perspective.

Our guest speaker, Dr. sc. Dunja PotoÄŤnik, addressed enabling and disabling factors for social inclusion, youth well-being and the need of a holistic approach for digital youth work.

Andreas Karsten from the RAY transnational research team talk about RAY research findings on this topic, e.g. from our study ‘Exploring inclusion in Erasmus+ Youth in Action: Effects of inequalities on learning outcomes’.

Moderation was done by Tomi Kiilakoski & digital facilitation by Domagoj Morić.


Live stream available
If you didn’t have the time to join or want to re-watch the Youth Research Dialogue again, just access the recording of the live stream here:


What’s next
Our next episode will be in April –  the date, topic and speakers will be announced on our RAY website and related RAY social media channels.

See you soon!



>> Dr. sc. Dunja Potočnik is a Head of the Centre for Youth and Gender Studies at the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb. Her expertise covers quantitative and qualitative research on youth, education, employment, social inclusion, social structure, gender, migrations and digitalization.  Dunja has been engaged in youth research and youth policy for almost twenty years, and she is a member of the Advisory Group of the Pool of the European Youth Researchers coordinated by the Youth Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe.

>> Andreas Karsten works for Youth Policy Labs, a small research agency and think tank in the youth sector. He leads an international team of participatory research, public policy and open data aficionados, who works on transnational research with the RAY Network for the research-based analysis of European youth programmes. He spoke about the RAY research study on the effects of social inequalities on learning outcomes.

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